Posts by: Danny

Does social media put you off exercise?

Ironic that I post this here, on Social Media!  Or perhaps apt…

Since my last blog I’ve been observing across various platforms an ever-increasing divide form between the fit getting fitter, and the unfit falling further out of shape.  That’s where the real irony is – because many success/progress stories that get posted are often misunderstood or misinterpreted by those who really need to hear their message, and have the opposite effect.  

Think of the last post you saw about fitness on Facebook or Instagram, for example: did it inspire you or put you off?  My point is, both are possible – and it may be more down to your perspective than the post itself.  

Suppose you were feeling fresh, positive, had a good morning… wow, that post fired you up, maybe you went to the gym that day, and had a better session than usual.  WIN!  

But maybe it caught you on a bad day, problems at work or at home had got you down already, and then seeing someone else’s success kind of rubbed you up the wrong way?  Not only did you sack off the run you’d planned, but furthermore you felt a mental change of direction away from a perceived failure.  

Often, we’re presented with images of sculpted thighs and bum… flat, lean abs… big arms and shoulders… fitness magazine fronts covers; and now in our newsfeed: right there in your hand, glaring up at you, carried around in your pocket, and not avoidable like the old magazine rack at the newsagent was.  It’s a cultural change, and it’s not your fault it’s now thrown at you 24/7.  

But how does that make you feel?  

Maybe we see these and think it’s a goal we can work towards.  Other times, we feel it could be a dream that is beyond us.  

Do we sometimes put these possibilities on a pedestal because we are afraid to fail on the road to achieving them?  And even worse, do we sometimes mismatch our goals and ideals to a far-flung end result that really just needs breaking down to smaller achievable parts?  

There are so many options, and so many people shouting from the rooftops about their success… so why aren’t I one of them?  Why isn’t my plan working?  Why do I keep stopping?  

All great questions!  But on asking ourselves, do we thwart our progress in fear of the answers?  Often it may be that asking the question out loud, to a friend, colleague, of fitness trainer, could reveal a simple answer you could use, and get past that frustration.  

Pictures can hide a lie.  More so than ever, photography can be adapted to suit what’s being offered or sold.  We all know this.  We might admire, we might also roll our eyes.  But conversely, we are surrounded by the undeniable honesty of people publishing candid shots and video clips of their first 10k run finisher’s medal, a group class they plucked up the courage to attend, a charity boxing event, or even a triathlon.  

What I’m getting at is really this: do people give up on their idea of trying to change and improve, simply by interpreting Social Media posts from others – often people they actually know – as gloating or even Narcissism?  

Free your mind, embrace the wild. Namibia Fitness Safaris.

Well what can i say about our latest fitness safari retreat.

This was the 7th retreat I’ve hosted and each one has been uniquely special .

The wildlife reserve called Okonjima, home of the AfriCat Foundation in the middle of Namibia and my former home has come up trumps over and over again winning numerous awards in the mean time!

What ever i write here simply won’t do the place justice but i want to share with you how special a fitness holiday experience this is.


From the second our guests arrive the jaws start to drop. The vastness and beauty kind of consumes you and deep breaths of relief and belonging ensue .

The slow drive up to our accommodation is a feast for the eyes. The open scenery and mountain range is like a welcome hug , embracing your eagerness to search for more. More adventure , wildlife and mysteries only Africa can hold.

Now i’m not going to give everything away in this blog as some things are best experienced first hand and kept as a surprise. Even our past guests are asked to keep some incredibly unique experiences to themselves! But i still want to describe to you what a trip out here entails , i was going to say typical trip out here but then there is simply nothing typical about it.

Every day at Okonjima lodge is a unique experience for the ones fortunate enough to live it!

The beaming smiles from the staff holding the fort is reassurance of a safe stay and when we arrive at Bush camp to a welcome drink i see the heads start to shake slowly. The look of disbelief at the beauty of which they find themselves in.

The rooms and chalets are impeccably designed with a feeling that they just fit nestled within the African Bushveld. Wow factors guaranteed!

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The Okonjima Bush Camp . Real wildlife intertwined with luxury.

People often ask me what are the best parts of the holiday and that is truly a question almost impossible to answer .You just have to come and experience it for yourself to get the know what it ‘feels’ like which goes way beyond just what you see and do.


All checked in and ready for their first session !

Day 1 is really just about getting settled in after an fairly long journey . Okonjima in centrally located in Namibia, its a scenic drive . There is no better way to start your holiday than with a welcome drink, a first class meal and quality nights rest.


Waking up to the sounds, smells and sights of Africa is fully worth the trip in itself. I mean that IS what most people travel for .

Time to move, out on the lush lawn at Bush camp we start as we mean to go on. A mobility session to activate and energise the body. This is all in front of a stunning landscape , followed by a scenic little 5km trail run. As much a purpose  to acclimatise as Okonjima is 1600m above sea level.

A glorious nutritious breakfast awaits before  a little chill time. Why not? After all this isn’t a boot camp holiday where you are just beasted endlessly. (although that could well be arranged if required!) This is YOUR fitness safari retreat . So why not enjoy every aspect the special place has to offer!

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Time for our guests for an adventure trail out in the huge 50,000 acre park. Cheetah tracking (some on foot ) ensues. This is the first taste of how the brilliant a combination of wellness and fitness is, with the natural euphoric experience of spotting predators and other animals in the wild.

I always look forward to their reaction upon return to the lodge , most notably about how close the encounters were!

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Each night we are spoilt with lovely cuisine . Our heads crash to the pillow with a beaming smile and a satisfactory sigh!

The guys are really into the swing of things now and time to crank up the training a little. They are taken to one of the most remote gyms in the world.  When developing the idea and constructing  the sight , time was taken to plan where this gym would be . Okonjima is nestled amongst the Omboroko mountain range so building the gym back in 2013 along side a river bed seemed the most logical plan . Softer, even ground hidden enough so not to spoil the landscape and large enough for multi use.

The okonjima bush Gym (Dan’s Gym site as known to the family that own the reserve) is situated perfectly . Fixed apparatus and a cement floor for safe lifting and training.



A reception like no other !

One thing worth mentioning and a question that gets asked a lot is  “Do i have to be super fit to do this holiday ?”

We’ve  had guests ranging from 14 to 70. The training is tailored and group dynamics accounted for so your experience is maximal to YOU!

After training a delicious brunch follows ( the Bushman omelettes are famous on the lodge!) before a little chilling by the pool or at your luxury room. Or what about a massage which is included in your trip?  Remember we always keep the balance of training ,eating ,resting,relaxing and activities.

In the  afternoon the group head out again into the big park. This drive is in search of leopard. Okonjima has one of the highest rate of sightings for a lodge in Namibia but like everything wild , nothing is guaranteed . This is also the absolute beauty of staying the 8 nights as oppose to 1 or 2 nights which normals guest to the lodge stay as part of a  round trip of Namibia. You are pretty much guaranteed to see everything during your stay!



Now before i forget…. 2 words ….sunsets… or is that one word?? any way … there is nothing quite like an African sunset! It’s an on going competition during the week who can capture the best one!

Here’s one for you!


I could literally share thousands of pics and add a ton of other extras experiences but that would just be spoiling you!!

As the week progresses each day offers something new, not only wild life viewing , but training sessions, food and experiences!

Everyone loves the mountain biking  as you get a different perspective from cycling amongst wildlife , a feeling of being part of the environment instead of the safe distance of a high vehicle .




Through out the week there will be days we train 2 or even 3 times a day but at least once everyday .

These training sessions are always fun, challenging and varied. The group gets to experience the full assets of what’s on offer at the lodge by switching the accommodation midway through thee week . This is another example of additional wow factors . Have i exhausted the emphasis of wow factors ?   no ? ….. here’s another little teaser!

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IMG_9899 Who doesn’t like a few snacks while lion watching!

While all the life changing memories are gathering, the end of the week brings the Cheetah Challenge.  No we don’t strap a piece of meat to your thigh wish you luck . The Cheetah challenge combines the essence of the weeks training coming together to encourage and achieve .



A final farewell Braai (BBQ). The food has been outstanding!! Memories to last a life time and if like many others , a time to plan your return .

Until the next time Okonjima .



Fitness Safaris Namibia run bespoke holidays tailored to and for you. No cookie cutter holidays here!!


“Envy the man who has not yet been to Africa, as he has so much to look forward to”

Just another diet?



There is a vital task before commencing any new ‘diet’ and training plan.

You need to ask yourself a few questions which are highly likely give you a much better chance of success for Better health and fat loss.

Below are a few to consider.


1. Why am i doing this and EXACTLY in what way will it improve my life? Think more than just ‘i will feel/look great’.


2. How does this differ from any other nutrition plan I’ve done before and am i being realistic with it being sustainable?


3. What support network do i have? Are my family and friends supportive and on board ?
p.s this is a big one!!


4. What other changes am i going to have to make than just eating differently/better?


5. Do i have the bigger picture ready and in sight for when things get a little tough?


6. Do i currently drink enough water ( approx 1-2 litres a day) and get enough sleep? ( i have a degree of empathy parents of young children)


7. Am i stressed out of my F&%$ing brain 24/7? Should i look at managing that first?


8. Do i return to comfort and eat the ‘comfort foods’ as soon as the initial weight loss occurs and things start to change? ( there is some brain science behind  this is but that is for another post).

Pretty much all diets work in theory. But really living on a diet sucks. Being educated enough to know what to eat and why is probably the best diet you can be on!

How to break a world record!

The keys to a world record preparation.





A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege to be part of a team in assisting a guy called Matt Smith who was attempting a 9 year standing sheep shearing record (yes i didn’t known there was a record for that either!!)….

Matt Smith was attempting to break the record of shearing 721 sheep in 9 hours!

I first met Matt Smith via Matt Luxton, a fitness coach whom i link up with a couple of days a week who runs a successful fitness business in Lifton near Cornwall. He approached me asking if i could assist a client of his with massages. I then learnt about the task that was at a hand,

training Matt Smith for his world record attempt. Over a period of 7 months, Matt Smith has been put on a training program geared towards his shearing. He also received weekly deep tissue remedial massages from myself, that would put his body and mind in the best position possible for top condition.

As the weeks and months passed, his fitness improved, his body became leaner and stronger and his mind became clearer and more focused the closer the event drew near. But, and this is the important part, there were stumbling blocks.

Rarely would you have a perfect month of training. Matt ran a busy farm, had a young family and often would go without optimal sleep due to a young baby and work demands. Some weeks his body would be tight. He had small injuries along the way. A rib injury from a ram, he suffered leg cramps in the night, but as each week passed the meticulous design of coaching and adapting his treatment ensued. There was a target to be met and a deadline to do it. Come record day, the key stages to success were :


  1. Mindset – not letting doubts creep in, keeping him calm and positive and reassuring him the work had been done. More importantly, problems would arise but he was equipped to deal with them

  2. Nutrition – Matt was coached with a consistently programmed nutrition plan.It was an important rule not to deviate from anything out of what he was used to eating and drinking.

  3. Functioning – in between his vigorous stints of shearing he had short massages that would keep the muscles from tightening up and flush out excess lactic acid enabling him to function at optimal level.

  4. Hydration – Matt had 4 breaks during record day. After each run of shearing he would be weighed then he would eat and replenish fluids and be weighed. During the whole 9 hours of shearing he was kept within 1.5 kilos from his start weight. This proved that his regular stints of hydration through electrolytes ,water and carbohydrate drinks during each run was working.

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Come the end of the day, Matt was shearing as quickly as he was at the start of the day averaging 44 seconds per sheep including catching the sheep. Matt didn’t just break the record he obliterated it by 10 sheep shearing 731 sheep in 9 hours (it had previously been beaten only by 1 sheep). The end was an emotional one with 20,000 people from around the world including New Zealand (where Matt was from) and Australia.

Another vital component was the team effort on the day and in the build up. Although Matt was doing the shearing he admits that there is no way the record could have been broken without the team behind him including a very strong supportive family.

So to sum up…. the key to world record preparation requires meticulous planning, progression, desire and unwavering support.

Matt Smith – one incredibly determined and amazing athlete. The record couldn’t have been smashed by a nicer guy.


10 reasons you’re not succeeding with your health, fat loss and fitness

10 reasons you might be failing at your health, fat loss and fitness training.

I could list a lot more than 10 but check some out of these , some you might know , some you might not!

Frustrated woman on exercise ball


  1. You have made unrealistic, unattainable or unsustainable goals.


You’ve given yourself a month to lose 3 stone, you think looking like Arnie can be done in a seasons training. You’ve read those BS articles that are designed to part you from your money. You’ve just had enough of feeling like shit and expect a life’s worth of neglect to reverse its self in weeks. Commit to the bigger picture except the journey is going to take longer than an episode of the biggest loser


  1. Not establishing your ‘Why’

    The mornings can be cold; you just don’t feel like it today, had a long day at work. Referring back to the bigger picture, imagining how good you’ll feel afterwards, falling back on why you are doing this and what made you start will get you slipping those trainers on and you out the door!


  1. .You are trying to out train poor eating.

You train your nuts off 4 -5 times a week but eat kind of whatever and every weekend you are eating takeaways and sinking a keg of lager! While yes I encourage you to eat and drink the things you like, life is for living after all, but thinking you can eat shit most of time because you train hard is a sure fire way to injuries and bad habits. When that training stops you’ll still be used to gorging!

4. Your thinking move more and eat less is the only rule to live by.


You’ve heard it before i’m sure, ‘’just eat less and move more’’ well that can work initially of course if losing weight is the aim but what about when that weight loss slows or stops? Are you just going to eat even less and move even more? Eventually you’re going to expect to eat nothing and move all the time? , A proper eating and training plan just makes more sense.

  1. Relying on shakes and supplements to get in shape.


The 4 shakes a day, juice only diets blah blah BS. While some supplements can support your lifestyle and goals you still can’t beat REAL food and good clean water!


  1. Following the latest quick fix diet plans.


A lot like number 5. Quick fix diets can work quickly and in some cases inject some kick up the arse. But you will most often put that fat back on just as quick when off that diet if there isn’t a longer strategy or good habits  in place. Don’t get sucked in by that marketing rubbish. Always ask yourself is this sustainable?


  1. Not structuring a time frame.


This is a good one because on the one hand I believe training, eating right and feeling good is a lifestyle not an event. Having some amount of pressure and accountability is good for you and can make you push yourself. It’s a series of events all put together that can make up a life, you just want to own those events, not look back and think I wish.

Train towards those events, the more times you attain those goals the bigger the future ones become!


  1.  Doing the same training sessions all the time!

    Our bodies are incredible specimens and they can quickly adapt to the demands put on them. So yes making a start is ultimately the most important step but we as humans are often creatures of habit and getting stuck in a routine for slow steady cardio isn’t going to cut the mustard after a short time.



  1. Not getting enough sleep.


This is mentioned in my Foundation 5. Lack of decent sleep is a sure fire way to less productivity in pretty much every aspect of your life. Plan strategies to get a decent kip. Check if your bed is right for you. Slow your self down before bed. 10 minutes deep breathing into your belly is a great start. Some chamomile tea is also a fantastic help.


  1. Eating to many of those ‘Fat free’ items.


Those Fat free items are often laden with sugar and high in calories, marshmallows is an example!

For the most part just eat real food!





Top 8 things I would do differently starting my fitness and sport journey all over again



Without anywhere near as much access to information 15-20 years ago compared to today it was a journey of trial and error and looking harder for the information and learning from others.
There are plenty of good points that still hold true now but that is for another post.

Anyway hope it can maybe help some of you out there. Whether a sportsman or keen trainer.


1. Drink more water.



Being in a weight restricted sport I often made the mistake of not hydrating enough. This actually made things more difficult in the end when trying to make weight. I still have to remind myself now. It’s one of those bad habits watching other boxers. But this applies to life and training in general.


2. Balancing the body with regards to training.


I spent over ten years with almost zero pulling exercises or working the posterior chain apart from the odd pull up. i have paid for it since. It also wasn’t until later on that I paid proper focus on strength and specific conditioning which then played its part.


3. Focus on more quality and less quantity.


Unless I was pouring with sweat I didn’t think I’d trained enough so I would try and make up for it by going for another run or just more rounds punching the bag. Practice is one thing (hours practicing moves) but over beasting the body to get in better condition or to burn calories was a mistake. Which leads me to the next point


4. Not resting enough.


Training for 8 weeks with out a day off is not a good move. If you are training hard and correctly in terms of reps and sets etc whether to build muscle, perform better or lose fat and find yourself facing less and less results or not even getting anywhere then it is mostly likely down to poor nutrition and lack of rest.


5. Too restrictive with diet.


Not eating enough essential nutrients like quality protein and fats led to me actually being malnourished with the amount of training I was doing. I was stuck in a cycle of getting injured or ill from too much training, rapid weight loss and not enough rest/treatment and quality food then gorge myself through the disappointment of not being able to box ,bloating out ( up to a stone in a matter of days) having some time off and then begin the cycle again. This went on for some time. The epitome of the notion training / pushing harder doesn’t trump training smarter. You’ve got to train hard and have consistency if you want to get anywhere but…..well you get the point


6. Too many normal situps.


Tons of better ways to train the core and abs than just traditional situps putting less stress on the spine.


7. Not getting enough treatments like massage ,osteopathy , sports

therapy etc.

Treat yourself to a therapy session regulary. Your body with thank you for it now and in years to come. Oh and always get a second opinion on niggling injuries too.


8. Doing the same things and expecting a different result.


Your effort is there, your dedication/desire/comnsistency is there but you are still falling short with results. Time to change things up!

Running , it’s good for the soul!


 Running, gets such a bad rap at times.

A colleague in the fitness industry told me one of her clients actually told her we are not really designed to run!



WHAT?? we are not designed to run? ( or rather evolved to run) how far backwards are we becoming? 150,000 + years of evolution would tell us otherwise.




But here is where some of the problems arise.



1. We have become fixed into dysfunctional pattern of sitting for long periods on top of that the way we sit is for the most part shit. ( have been guilty of this) This can lead to injury quite quickly when running especially if you haven’t run for a while or ever and don’t spend time doing some mobility exercises.



2. Some rely on running as the sole way to lose weight and get fit . This is a big mistake .If you’ve quite a few pounds you want to drop and think you’ll just run it all off then think again. The body and joints will not enjoy the continuous impact for starters, again leading to injury. Long runs aren’t really beneficial for us with regards to hormones. There isn’t much give in concrete. There are much better ways to lose weight than ONLY running.



Stuff that gets blurted around that pisses me off a little though are these;

‘ its just boring cardio’


A 3 mile high tempo varied hilly mixed terrain run is cardio. 400 metre intervals are cardio.

A steady 10 mile plod on flat concrete is also cardio.



Cardio is a broad term so best don’t think it is just the latter or something like watching your middle aged woman on the stationary bike down the sports centre enjoying the latest homes under the hammer programme.



There are still many great things about running. you’ve just got to be a little smarter on the reasons, frequency and implications thats all.



Personally i find running fantastic for the soul and unbelievable good thinking time. i Get some great ideas while running , especially if its varied and in different environments.



It can still be a great way to lose fat, especially if done while fasted.
It’s pretty dam cheap! just invest in some quality footwear that suits the structure of your foot and do some activation work before hand.
Hey! your outside which given your type of job might not always be option!

So get out , run , just be a little mindful of why your doing it!